Monday, February 05, 2007

The invisible driving force.

The invisible driving force.
feeling: mental saturation
music: kami lyle - lover man

Some are lucky enough to be born knowing it, but many spend their lives in a desperate search. They cling onto an inkling, only to make mistakes. Some give up the fight, choosing to dwell in a self-dug rut.

Me? I came home, sat down with my laptop, and worked right through the sunset. That invisible force holds me captive, and I crave the realm where time ceases to exist. I'm holding on to this inkling, crossing my fingers it would be more than just a temporary fixation.

Jasmine related the story of the old man at Chinatown with her usual story-telling gusto. Still, I momentarily speechless when she told of how she wrote a letter, got it vetted in the wee hours of the morning, and proceeded to send it out to the various authorities. I was humbled by the passion and compassion she had in her, and I honestly don't know if I would have gone to such lengths if I were in her shoes. Good on you, babe!

The Hospitality & Tourism Management Interest Group
Farewell Potluck

President Khoo

Theme: Food of Singapore

Telling me which way to run to.

HTMIG 05/06

Bon voyage, babe.

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