Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So what on earth is IT?!?! - The revelation.

So what on earth is IT?!?! - The revelation.

I got IT! What's IT? A magazine internship!!! Hah! I don't want to flout any rules even before I start so I'm gonna resist the overwhelming temptation to announce the name of the magazine here on the www.

I really wanted to post an entry yesterday post-interview when I was still jumping around in sheer joy, but the terrible sleep the night before (I was NERVOUS!) and the errands after (like picking up and devouring a sinfully good chocolate cake from Fullerton - thanks for the tip Dawn!) and falling asleep in the afternoon and being late for the chalet... I was pooped!

The fun (I hope!) starts this Monday. Till then, I am embracing couch-potatorism with a new found enthusiasm. Did I mention the internship's unpaid! Kinda sucky I know, but let's hope that whatever I don't gain in moola I will gain in experience and (fingers crossed here) beauty samples. HA HA HA.

*note: It is not the four-letter magazine I have been dying to work for. It's another.

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