Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Idiosyncrasies of a messy female

Idiosyncrasies of a messy female

My messiness has gotten me into trouble, again. It's not like it ain't enough of a hassle having to dig through piles of junk to find a certain sheet of paper, or to wrestle through my messed-up wardrobe every morning to find that particular white top (trust me, I've got tons of white tops, and it's instances like this that make me want to kill myself for that). I got an invitation to apply for a scholarship, and I can't seem to find my most recent exam result slip! Trust me to be so slip-shot about documents like this. The cut-off date's this coming Monday... urghs.

So the Bali trip is cancelled. I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed, but I guess it's just fate that I should broaden my horizons and go somewhere else. I was really looking forward to visiting Bali and to embrace its culture once more. I'm okay with our choice to go to Dubai (though I'm not crazy about it), but I'm half hoping there'd be a new destination option, heh.

My brother got me $200 worth of Levis vouchers for my birthday. Man. I need to go shopping soon, haha!

Took a drive down to Sentosa Cove with my department to peep at the property developments. My my, that place has got a fantastic sea view. It'd be like living in an upmarket beach resort I reckon.

Has anyone realised I haven't been attending my yoga classes? LOL! I don't know why I can't bring myself to go! So much for cultivating inner peace.

Bought some lip-smacking good Sweet House Farm (or is it Sweet Farm House) cereal when a sudden need to be domestic took me to the supermarket last night. Granola with raisins - wholesome and good for the body, unlike those overly sweet cereals for kids. But knowing me, I try so hard to be healthy, but end up pretty unhealthy most of the time, haha!

It's 5.40pm... less an hour before Eileen and I leave for our run. Feeling a little lazy actually, but it'll pass. All the cake I've had these couple of days has left me feeling kinda flabby around the waist, eeks, but it's nothing a run won't cure. :) I hope this week's 6k won't kill me.

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