Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sunday snapshots.

Sunday snapshots.
feeling: in need of a new liver

Saturday evening - Indian food, chick flicks, sparkling wine, and the company of an alcoholic.

Sunday morning started well with plenty of giggles with my two piano girls, after which I headed down to Bugis for brunch with Ceci and Jem the Caveman.

Bummer. I was really looking forward to it.

We hopped down a street to Miss Clarity's Cafe, but that was closed too.

As fate would have it, we ended up at our usual Cedele at Wheelock, much to Ceci's delight.

Earl Grey and Wild Blueberry Pancakes. I'm not complaining.

Afternoon margaritas at Cafe Iguana.

Our favourite watering hole.

Jinli's new best friend.

Jinli mucking around with the camera, and capturing my boredom on film. What does that speak of your company mi amiga? Heh heh.

Snapping away from afternoon till night.

My accidental arty-farty shot.

Tequlia shots on the house.

Jinli insists that I look like a Japanese tourist with the snapping and all that barang barang.

A slice of life.

Goodnight world.

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