Friday, May 18, 2007

Sometimes, I smile so much my cheeks ache.

Sometimes, I smile so much my cheeks ache.

I have been jolted by the realisation with increasing regularity these days. Midway in a conversation with someone, I'd be painfully aware of the ache in my cheeks and the tension in my temples. The PR smile has become second nature, and while my subconscious may not register the fakery, my facial muscles certainly do.

And for a couple of moments after, I attempt talking sans expressions, when all I really want to do is scrunch and contort my face to loosen the tightness.

I am a walking circus act. There's a certain humor in such situations, but I can't help wishing for more occasions whereby my smiles are from the heart, and not out of politeness.

Wednesday night was a much anticipated catch-up session with my CPM babes. It was so good, reminiscing our final year project for Sentosa - site visits on construction areas in our heels; Mar's cutesy intepretation of the toilet layouts; late-night sessions in the computer lab; confessions of "sins", and endless bantering... I really do miss those days of camaraderie.

The good old tau huay days.

Someone took a candid shot of us at our project meeting, poring over the architectural layout plans.

Just before the final presentation of our poly years.

At our post-project celebration at Blu Jaz and Ambrosia.

And finally, this is us a year from then.

Yvonne's impromptu "2nd 21st birthday" celebration - the taitai, the "bimbu", the stewardess and the writer.

How we've grown and changed, and how, at the same time, we have not. The boisterous laughter, incessant teasing and odd cheers. The smile on my face while posting this definitely comes from the heart.

Off I go to bed for a quick session with Nora Roberts and her Irish tales. I've got a brunch date in the morning, and we're driving to Botak Jones in the night!

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