Sunday, May 27, 2007

A drug-free cure.

A drug-free cure.

Apart from necessary trips, like for my final theory test (which I passed haha!), driving lessons and to teach piano, the rest of my time's been spent at home on the couch. In fact, I've lay around so much these couple of days, I'm starting to wonder if the lethargy stems from my post-bug recovery, or from doing nothing much at all.

Potato-ing on the couch isn't much fun at all when it's mandatory. There was nothing I wished for more than a good workout to sort the stiff muscles; and I seriously did wish I were on Siloso Beach watching the volleyball competition instead of watching it on tv. And I kinda wanted to go traipsing around Little India, but I think the smell of spices and cooking curry would have been the last straw towards my so-far-strong-enough-to-refuse-puking stomach. And I seriously don't fancy barfing in public. I don't fancy barfing to begin with.

It's hard to feel all bright and sunny when stuck at home with the sun shining cheerily outside and with Shopaholic & Sister being the sole generator of laughter; but a call from a friend I had't heard from in awhile did the trick for me. I am definitely feeling chipper.

I am contemplating a run outside, but it is a gamble for I've got two dinner parties and a vacation next week. I hope it ain't the lazy bug speaking.

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