Saturday, May 05, 2007

Can't say no to a meme.

Can't say no to a meme.

music: kirsten dunst - dream of me

Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

  1. I play and teach the piano. Uh-huh. Shocking?

  2. I must shower before leaving the house in the mornings, and I must wash my feet before going to bed in the night.

  3. I am anal about self-sufficiency, and dependent laziness annoys the shit out of me. That, to me, is a form of imposing, which is never good.

  4. I have a long waging love-hate relationship with the sun. I am so afraid of getting skin cancer, yet too many cloudy days and I'll start feeling like I wanna shrivel up and die. The sun's a magician. Ever watched the ripples of sunlight in the pool or in the sea? Pure magic.

  5. I have a thing for guys with stubble, like the talented Jack Johnson over here:

    picture from

    I get a lot of flak from the girls for that! "Leigh, Leigh, see this one so hairy. You like right?"

  6. I am oddly superstitious, when it comes to the little things. I'll speed through the 13th lap to get to the 14th, skip a step to avoid taking just 13 steps...

I tag: Charlene, Flora, Jason, Kat, Nanny, Shannon.

Off I go! To the shower, and out to grab a cuppa with Kenrick.

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