Sunday, February 01, 2009

Friendship and (in)sanity.

Friendship and (in)sanity.

It's been a pretty slow week at the office. The lazy atmosphere's probably because those who actually came to work were semi-comatose from way too much bak kwa and pineapple tarts. Marc dropped by on Friday, and we caught up over lunch at the army market food centre. Here's an excerpt from our post-lunch smsing.

Me: 3 more hours till knockoff. Stab me.
Marc: /stab
Me: /collapse
Marc: /celebrate

I thought that was kinda funny, haha.

The babes and I caught up with Flora over lunch today, and it turned out to be a farewell meal as well as she's off to Beijing on Monday. I'm pretty sure she'll be back and our internships would be over in a blink of an eye. Time flies indeed.

Then it was off for a chick flick fix with Ran.

picture from

I'd expected Bride Wars to be a brainless comedy, and though the storyline predictably offered no momentous afterthought or enlightenment, it was unpredictably real and touching. It made me wonder who would be the one girlfriend I had to have there beside me on my big day.

I used to have more guy friends then female ones, but that seems to be changing these days. I see my girlfriends a lot more often, and I've gotten closer to several whom I've unintentionally kept at arm's length. I have to admit that my mind was momentarily blank when the credits started rolling after a snapshot of the two best friends-turned enemies-turned best friends.

But of course there are the few who are always that bit closer to my heart, though I think I would be torn if I had to choose between Mich and Ceci. Mich's been there since forever and we've seen each other through our best and our worst. Ceci too has become so near and dear over recent years, and having endured my many fashion crises, would be the perfect voice of logic when I am torn between 99 wedding gowns. (Incidentally, both were there to talk me through my 35.5kg India predeparture luggage haha!) Maybe I can make them both bridesmaids together with Jane, Lanxi and Jinli (anything to see you wear a dress darling) and get Erwin to be my maid-of-honor hahaha!

I am sure getting ahead of myself. ;)

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