Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Mister Beasley.

Mister Beasley.

It's been a long while, that I know, but what with waking up at 6 a.m. for a heritage walk in the old city and going to bed at 8 a.m. after a campus party, sunset frisbee and night badminton sessions, blogging has stopped being a priority.

I'll work the best of my recollection skills, and document the happening happenings here in India.

The heritage walk we (four Singaporeans and two French) went for on Saturday morning was awesome for I saw a part of the city which I actually liked, and the lunch we had at Schocolatery after was Eden here in Ahmedabad hell.

That very night was the MICA Alumni meet, where the MICA alumni return for food and dancing. The dance party was held at Chhota, this little outdoor tea stall on campus, but laser lights and pounding music made it seem less like the rundown tea stall it was and more like a mini-Zoukout minus the sand and bikinis.

There was no alcohol, but we all had our mini pre-party in Bertie's room before hitting the dance floor. I'm no dancer, yet despite that and the lack of good music, I had a really good (but exhausting time) shaking it on the dance floor. Could have been the rum, or maybe it's my body's natural reaction to Bhangra music... hahaha!

Yesterday was MICA's 17th birthday, and we were treated to a getai-ish performance put up by mostly MICA faculty, as well as a couple of the MICA students. Come evening, the French-Singapore alliance started a game of ultimate frisbee on the football field, and my heart had one heck of a good workout from both the running as well as the constant mini-heart attacks each time Roxy the campus dog came bounding and leaping after us. Frisbee seems to turn the lazy dog on.

When darkness fell, we moved it to the courts for over two hours of badminton. That essentially was a session where French expletives were at an all-time high, and I had a whale of a time watching Bertie and Erwin do gymnastics on the slippery court floors while diving after the shuttlecock, as well as Romain's absurd sense of humor.

And today's Chinese New Year eve. It doesn't feel like it here in India (naturally), but receiving HM's package of Chinese New Year goodies made me grin. We're headed out to the city for a kebab reunion dinner with our international family, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the badminton tournaments aren't tonight. Flopping around with a belly full of kebabs does not equal a graceful defeat. Did I mention that my partner and I have yet to play together? Haha.

Gong xi fa cai everybody. :)

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