Friday, February 29, 2008

So, would you marry me?

So, would you marry me?

picture from

According to folk traditions, women get the chance once every four years to propose to the man. This doesn't warrant a blog entry really, but it's only once in every years that I get to have an entry dated 29 February... I may be in India but I'm too much of a kiasu Singaporean to pass up on such a chance.

Since we're on the topic of dates, the 27th two days back marked our second month in India. Time hasn't exactly flown by, but the French students would be leaving in less than a month. I'm not sure how drastically different MICA life would be without them and their constant spew of French at the table (and where we retaliate by spouting random Cantonese phrases, or entertain ourselves by straining to recognize the French swear words we're now so proficient at), but they'll be missed for sure.

I still don't know for sure when we'll be leaving MICA or India, but Ceci and I semi-confirmed our Bali travel plans last night, and browsed a couple of resort websites. Hopefully this time I'll get to eat at Kudeta, which Kenrick and I missed the last time. Bali, Bali... Goa's importance has officially been tossed to the very back of my mind.

-cat stretch-

Happy Leap Year 2008.

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