Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sleep is what I need this Sunday.

Sleep is what I need this Sunday.
feeling: sick

Here in MICA where weekends are inconsequential, I say Thank God it's Sunday, and that I have no classes to attend. I'll wake when my body decides to, and spend the afternoon on my makeshift couch to catch up on my assignments.

I'm feeling a little too awake now though it's 2 a.m., possibly because I took an hour's nap in the evening before heading out for kebabs with the gang. Still, I'll head to bed once I'm done here, and I am really quite glad I don't have to set the alarm for 9 a.m. tomorrow. I feel like crap and sleep seems like my only sanctuary.

I've been battling the pain and the cough for a week, and I'm starting to run low on optimism. My tonsils have taken on a life of their own, and the cough's an itch that wouldn't cease in my lungs. I've almost exhausted my supply of sore throat tablets from my family doctor back home, and still those darn tonsils twitch. I feel heaty, and sleepy, and I've woken up with red-tinged puffy eyes the past few mornings.

I'd see a doctor, but his next visit on campus isn't till Monday afternoon, so it's me against the virus for another two days.

Sumanyu has given me antibiotics from his dad who's a doctor, and against all good logic, I've taken them. And just earlier, I dropped by the pharmacy in the city and got myself some sore throat pills and cough syrup. And at Marine's suggestion, I've applied Tiger Balm on my throat, and am sucking on Strepsils.

I have just taken self-medication to a whole new level, and I thank my lucky stars I am alive. Now maybe just a bit more luck to ease the throbbing pain and wheezing cough?

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