Monday, November 19, 2007

If I could say it to your face...

If I could say it to your face...

Write down what you've always wanted to, but never or could never say to people. They remain anonymous.
  1. As much as I am thankful for this sometimes telepathic friendship bond we share, it frustrates me how I always seem to have to be the one contacting you. And it hurts that I don't quite know how to speak to you now, seeing how I am sandwiched in between circumstances I would have never wished upon myself.

  2. I think it's cool how we share the same interests, and I'm thankful for that, but your indifference and curt, vague, text replies irritate sometimes.

  3. I'm always dreaming of you. I think it's sad how we've barely talked since, and I feel like I've lost a soulmate.

  4. It hurts and frustrates to watch you each day, and sometimes I stay in bed until you leave just so I wouldn't have to start the day with your burden. It's selfish, but I just don't know how to help you anymore.

  5. I cry when I think about the day you'd have to leave, and I worry about you all the time.

  6. I know we aren't close, and that it is partly my fault for building up these defenses. But hearing tales of how you made it through life really made me see how strong you are, and I think I got part of your fighting spirit.

  7. I like talking to you, and how it makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I don't think my teeny teenage crush ever fully disappeared.
I tag everybody and anybody who has something they need to get off their chests. Anonymity is key.

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