Sunday, March 26, 2006

Snippets before the new world.

Snippets before the new world.

The urge to blog hits me at the weirdest (and usually most inappropriate) times. In the shower a couple of minutes ago, I was overwhelmed by the need to blog about what Marc said when we met up for a swim and some food last Friday.

If I remember correctly, we were on the topic on how much of a good thing (female friends) can be bad.
Marc: Having too many girl best friends makes a guy -does wacko sign-. You and Jane. Two is enough.
Me: ROFL. (I couldn't help it. He looked positively terrified at the thought of Jane and I. Haha!)
Jane, are you reading this?!?!?!

Off to watch The New World at the new The Cathay. So many 'the's. Ecks.

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