Sunday, September 25, 2005


Back to the blogging bandwagon. I mass-uploaded the pictures last night whilst waiting for the E-registering to come on. In case you're wondering, we opted for Bali. :)

It's been a restful weekend, despite dreams that leave me feeling like I haven't slept a wink. Last night's dream was pretty though - I dreamt that clouds actually fell from the sky, and I was at the beach feeling their fluffiness just before they melted into the sea.

Spent the afternoon hanging out by the pool with CH and Kenrick, and instead of sunning it up like we usually do, most of the 3.5 hours we were there were spent frolicking in the water. I almost got coerced into doing this crazy pool jumping stunt (it's quite tame actually but I'm afraid of heights) and as much as I want to blog an entry to boast that I did it, I didn't. Too bad.

Missed out on my week? Scroll down for a pictorial spread. Jessica Simpson's boots were made for walking. My pictures were taken for talking. Enjoy.

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