Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Deja Vu

Check out my newly highlighted hair! I finally cut the procrastinating and went ahead with it. :) I dig the results - well worth the 30 minutes I spent in humiliation with that rubbery thing stuck over my face. I swear it was like a condom for the head or something, haha!

Just got off the phone with my bitch whom many of you refer to as "your bitch" and give me a blank stare when I say "Michelle". Yes dear readers, Michelle is the name of my bitchydoo, lol.

It's cool really, how we manage to keep in touch and stay so close despite having pursued different paths for the past 3 years. Add to that the fact that the both of us are terrible with keeping friendships - we suck. Two negatives make a plus then eh? :)

I can't believe I actually called the editor of the magazine I aspire to work at to ask if she'd be attending this media preview (with champagne lunch and GODIVA chocolates darlings) on Thursday. Unfortunately she wouldn't be, but you should have seen me while I was on the phone with her! I acted as if it was a job interview, but truth is, she probably didn't even catch my name. Haha!

Will be heading out to sea for some radio thingy at the Southern islands tomorrow. Darn, I make my job sound so glamorous don't I? It's not, trust me.

Wondering about the title? It involves a dream, Bali, and someone. Go figure.

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