Sunday, September 04, 2005

This lady's got the blues

This lady's got the blues

I'm suffering from a mild case of pre-Monday blues. 8 weeks more before this corporate rat race (ha ha) comes to an end. I am so running towards the finish line.

Work ain't bad, really. It's just the mix of the monotonous routine and burnt weekdays getting to me that's all.

I blew 35 bucks on a pedicure whilst waiting for Jason to book out on Friday night. I figured that my feet needed some pampering after the gruelling 5.5km run last Sunday, and the many training runs I put them through prior to that. I don't know which was funnier really - looking at my coloured toenails, or the incredulous look on Jason's face when I revealed the cost of my pampering session.

I can't say the boy man (forgot that the army turns boys into men) flipped for no good reason though. The percentage of my pay that has been financing my shopaholic tendencies has been a tad over the top recently. (Trust me, that is an understatement.) I don't know what's gotten into me really. Sure, I have always liked shopping, but I love shopping so much of late, I crave the activity. Lol.

I'm getting a little out of touch with the blogger in me. In case you haven't noticed, my recent posts have been pictorial entries. Till the next time the blog-addiction strikes.

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