Thursday, September 15, 2005

Succumbing to the warmth

Succumbing to the warmth

It's 11.20am right now.. less than an hour before I can leave this cold cold office to frolick in the warmth of the sun. I'm getting half a day off in return for my hours of OT. Splendid! I haven't been to the beach on a weekday ever since I started on my internship. You can never imagine my frustration when I see hoards of school kids prancing to the beach during the June and September school vacations.

Speaking of which, it's about 6 weeks before I get to return to school! I can't wait. "I'm ready to go back to school," were my exact words when I bumped into Mr. Joseph, Mr. Nair and Mr. Neo at the Sky Tower yesterday.

Work's okay, but getting mundane. Been feeling a little un-challenged of late. Perhaps the sanity of office life has paled in comparison to the past few insane weeks of the Singapore Open and the IOS party. I am never contented am I? Haha. I wouldn't be surprised if I turn out to be a future job-hopper. My insatiable appetite to be infinitely intrigued always gets in my way.

Intrigued. It was pretty much an understatement during my conversation with Jason last night, when he revealed the intricate complexities of his mind. Perhaps I was enraptured. I don't know, but I don't think I'll be able to look at him in the same light anymore. I remember blogging my first entry in my previous blog ( about how I envisioned ending up with someone who can keep me infinitely intrigued.
I think I've found him.

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