Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Aussie Diaries - Sydney Day 4

The Aussie Diaries - Sydney Day 4

Yet another early morning start, this time to Hunter Valley for a day of wine tastings. Thank goodness we grabbed brekkie from an organic rest-stop, or we would have become really mabok! This place was directly beside a huge McDonalds, and I loved that they had a huge sign that said "real food, real coffee this way".

First stop - Iron Bark Hill.

I can't remember what the second winery's called, but I left with a bottle of zesty lime olive oil and a spritely sparkly that was first created for a wedding. Yum.

Now this third stop I remember - Blue Tongue Brewery was just the place to recover from wine fatigue, what with a leisurely lunch and a beer sampler platter!

Cheese tasting at the Smelly Cheese Shop. The cheeses were good, but I think lugging the Paradigm Log from Mornington Peninsula provided enough deterrence from further cheese purchases.

To Tempus Two next, where I bought another bottle of sparkly that redeemed the winery from the 2005 Botrytis.

I can sit here all day at the Blueberry Hill Vineyard. The owner gave us odd looks each time we emptied our glasses into the spitoon though...

We spent the night back in the city exploring Chinatown, which was more modern and youngish as compared to ours. Felt a little like the night markets in Hong Kong actually. After a long detour and a super brisk walk in the rain, we finally made it for our reservation at Fix St. James, where the first dish in our "Fix Me Up" menu was stuffed zucchini blossoms! I've been wanting to taste them ever since I read about it in 1000 Days in Tuscany! I was too broke when I was in Rome to even think about it, pity!

Some pate that was yum, but got jelat after awhile.

Some sort of fish carpaccio.

I think this is smoked ocean trout? Looks like salmon from the pics though. I should have been more dilligent in keeping my food diary.

I could be wrong, but this is probably barramundi, served with some homemade pork sausages. Interesting combi really.

All foodied out!

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