Monday, June 14, 2010

The Aussie Diaries - Sydney Day 2

The Aussie Diaries - Sydney Day 2

It was yet another early start, this time for a two-hour train ride up to the Blue Mountains.

Katoomba, the biggest town in the Blue Mountains. It's like one of the towns from a Nora Roberts novel. Too pretty!

The gorgeous colours of the autumn foliage.

Kurrara Guesthouse - home for the night!

They've got a bear on each bed, which I love but bitch hates.

Lunch stop at The Parakeet Cafe, a new-agey type place where I imagine the local hippies would work.

That cup of chocolate may look harmless but it was the THICKEST hot chocolate we've ever had. In fact, it soon solidified into a pudding in the cold mountain air.

Walking off the hot chocolate at Echo Point...

And then stopping for a pick-me-up at the Blue Mountain Chocolate Company. I was all chocolated-out by then and unable to stomach more than a few stolen buttons from Ceci.

Wintry sunshine, nice.

Back in our room, bitch attempts to kill baby bear...

While I try my luck at silencing Ceci.

The town was dark and we weren't hungry, so we had a pizza and a bottle of local wine ("A Cheeky Little White", how cute is the name!) to go.
Pizza + wine + TV = my idea of a girls' night in.

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