Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Aussie Diaries - Melbourne Day 2

The Aussie Diaries - Melbourne Day 2

After hopping off the tram in the wrong direction and getting on the right one, we finally arrived in the St Kilda where were proceeded to traipse all over the seaside town in search of our breakfast spot.

We almost didn't make breakfast at Circa but our feet were fast, and the chefs were kind.

Thank goodness, for Circa made the best pancakes I've ever had. Fluffy buttermilk pancakes with poached berries and vanilla mascarpone. Pretty damn decadent for brekkie but worth the hassle and every single calorie!

It was off to Baker D. Chirico next, a tiny patisserie that came up tops on my online food research.

Perhaps the pancakes left way too big shoes to fill - the lemon brûlée tart and a sultana-filled pastry called the Garibaldi didn't quite hit the spot.

We got quite lost searching for the next foodie pit stop, but the gorgeous sights more than made up for it. It also helped that we were assisted by the kindest man, who ran across the road to his car to check his street directory for directions to our destination.

A late lunch at Danny's Diner, which was voted the #1 burger by Master Chef's Matt Preston.
The patty was a bit too done for my liking, but still good and value for money.

The man behind the grill's not Danny, but Tony (I think).

The post-lunch hike we took through residential areas to Jerry's Milk Bar proved futile, as the old-school sugar house had changed its operating hours. Not that we needed the sugar rush after the morning's pancakes and pastries, but disappointing still.

Our streak of operating-hour bad luck followed us down to Chapel Street, where the shops were supposed to close late. Undeterred by that and the rain, we sat down to wine and what we intended to be a light dinner at Basque, a Spanish tapas bar. I've had better paella, but the gambas al pipi had us mopping up the flavourful and slightly tangy sauce. Just the sort of food for watching the rain fall and the world go by.

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