Tuesday, January 31, 2006

You don't know how it feels

You don't know how it feels
to have all my different worlds collide.

Over-indulgence. Now that's one sin I know one and many commit during each Chinese New Year season. Bak kwa and those damn-it-yummy pineapple tarts are top on the sin list. The fact that this CNY's so near the Christmas and New Year festivities doesn't help at all either. That's almost two months' worth of binging. Good grief.

The homeliness of the CNY period always wraps me in a cocoon of warmth, tempting me to laze and idle the holiday away. I refuse to fall prey. Awoke bright and early on the first day, not to bai nian, but instead to stealthily make my way outside for a run before my mom started on one of her superstitions, lol! And today, Kelly babe and I hit the pool for laps. (The episode of the funny jokers at Delta part 3 I'll save for another day.) How's that for not straying huh?

Yesterday was chaotic, exhausting but oodles of fun! I had all my mates over - my poly mates, Sentosa gang, Spottiswoode gang, Jason as well as my very important bitch! Having my five different worlds in one room filled me with a blissful contentment. I know I have never done a good job juggling these worlds, and I always seem to be able to concentrate only on one at a time.. so yesterday was really quite an important milestone to me. As much as I enjoyed having crowds over, having dinner with just Bitch and Vince was good for winding down, as was the quiet movie-night-in with Jason later on. A day well spent.

Went by Marilyn's place post-swim. Black jack was the game of the day (again) where Jason and I set to recoup yesterday's losses. Well, we came no way close, but it's all in the name of fun. :)

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