Saturday, January 14, 2006

Fuschia peacock feathers.

Fuschia peacock feathers.

I finally got my hair permed, after 2 years' worth of procrastination and unsuitable hair lengths. Truth be told, I barely recognise the stranger looking back at me in the mirror in the mornings, though it does feel kinda cool to have poofy messy hair, haha! My only gripe is that I gotta stay away from the pool for 2 weeks, unless I subject myself to wearing a swimming cap. We'll see if I do get THAT desperate.

Don't quite feel like putting my life situation down in words. I kinda feel like I've just gotten off a nerve-wrecking rollercoaster ride - my heart's still somewhere up in the clouds. I need a coffee session without having to worry about work awaiting. CPM be over!

Brunch date at Starbucks tomorrow! love brunches. Come Sunday, it'll be brunch (again) with Jemo. I totally miss that dude. And I think we'll be coffee-ing with Ceci in the evening tomorrow. Mmm. -tunes mind off work-

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