Friday, January 06, 2006

At ease.

At ease.

The weather's gone all awry yet again. Hello, it's supposed to be spring! It was so sunny during the Christmas period but now.. Oh well. Let's hope the rain doesn't thwart my evening plans. For now, I'm content to just snuggle in bed with a novel and watch the afternoon pass me by.

I attempted my first run of the new year today, and I wasn't in good form, as expected. I've yet to regain the strength in my legs, and I almost thought they would give way somewhere at the halfway mark. Ego had me pushing on, albeit at a more relaxed pace than usual. Why did I have to get stomach flu just ten days before NAPFA? Nice timing Leigh, urghs.

I'm glad it's over though. Nothing beats having the appetite to enjoy a proper breakfast with coffee! Ah. My first coffee of 2006. Is my bliss radiating off your computer screens yet? Haha! I'm so gonna have a latte tomorrow. :)

Excuse the lack of expression in my blogging. All energy (as long as it involves the ability to write) has been channelled into my HTM Sem Paper for now. Quite a bit of polishing to do.. the "it's there but not quite" kinda feeling. Hmm. At least I've got a draft out! That leaves my afternoon free for shopping and ticket-buying tomorrow. I can't believe I've put off my Chinese New Year clothes-hunt for so long.

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