Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wanted a shoulder; got a couple of laughs instead.

Wanted a shoulder; got a couple of laughs instead.

I got a little melancholic and reflective earlier on in the night when the issue of friendships came to mind. When the fact that I suck at maintaining lasting friendships threatened to overwhelm, there's no one better to run to than my partner-in-crime, my bitch. Like I always say, for two people who suck at maintaining friendships, we sure are doing a good job with maintaining ours, haha.

The pep talk lasted only for awhile before we digressed, as usual, and my bitch made one of those comments I feel will make it to my "Top 10 Dumbest Things Said In 2006" list, somewhat similar to her bird flu comments last year, if you guys remember.

Bitch: Babe, how's your stomach flu, still vomitting?
Me: Better I guess. Only vomitted once the first night.
Bitch: You know why you vomit?
Me: Why?
Bitch: 'Cos you see ah, when you have flu and you sneeze, your mucus comes out right. So stomach flu is when you stomach is sneezing, so when your stomach sneezes, the vomit comes out lor.

She never fails to impress me.

On a different note, I'm regaining my appetite! I actually felt hungry enough to have a proper dinner earlier on. I'm pretty ecstatic actually.. am crossing my fingers I'll be able to go for a run tomorrow. :) Here's an extract of a conversation I had with my auntie earlier on when I'd just returned home from class.

Auntie: Your skirt's falling off your hips.
Me: I know, my butt's gone, not that I had much of one to begin with.
Auntie: All the sit-ups you do for what, now your tummy is so flat already. Next time just fall sick can already.

Is today the day for out-of-this-world comments? Haha. My body is a temple and I will treat it with the respect it deserves. That's my mantra for 2006. Stomach flu, be gone!

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