Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Taking a break from editing the proposal... I'm exhausted! Golly, my group's been working late for 2 consecutive nights, and I'm crossing my fingers this won't be the case tomorrow. These couple of late nights fill me with a teeny bit of nostalgia actually.. reminds me of my late-night projects in Year 1 Sem 1 and the many late nights the HTMIG spent in campus holding events and having meetings. Good Lord. I can't believe that poly life will be over in a month! The one and only exam's on 21 February, after which it'll be our self-proclaimed graduation. Now that the project hoo-hah's coming to an end.. the anticipation of loss' slowly starting to surface.

It's been a good week though, despite the hustle and bustle, and the fact that I'm down with flu. At least I don't feel like I'm gonna fall off the chair anytime soon. And I've got a jolly group working with me to boot - loadsa amusing anecdotes and bimbotic exclamations. Just my cup of tea, haha!

NAPFA was extremely satisfying as well. One's body really is a temple, though I gotta admit I haven't been respecting mine of late, what with the lack of sleep and all. Hmm. Actually I DO feel like I'm gonna fall off my chair.

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