Saturday, January 14, 2006

On my own two feet.

On my own two feet.

We live in our shadows of who we used to be, and it is from these that we must break free.

I've gone through a couple of such phases of change of liberation in this past year, yet each time I think I'm ready to cast the old shadows aside, someone, or something pulls me right back. It frustrates me each time that happens, though a sliver of my consciousness wonders if it is a good thing that I'm forced to be grounded like I am right now.

I know I've changed - my ideals especially. While I'm happy being who I've become, circumstances don't seem to want to let me embrace this new me. Everything seems so contrived each time I try to conform myself to be who everybody expects me to be, it's kinda hard to breathe.

I'm beginning to believe in karma. Kinda feels like we've switched places in a span of a year. I'm fighting to keep my faith in what I used to believe in, though it's beginning to feel like a losing battle. I know I'm losing my footing. Trying ain't easy, and the phonecall's just made things that much harder. How long more Leigh?

After a whole week of rain, the sun's been unexpectedly bright the past two days. If I were anymore imaginative, I'd have thought it to be a sign that I'm finally doing things right. Apt timing too.

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