Saturday, January 28, 2006

Round table

Round table
Feeling: Absolutely stuffed!
Spinning: Lifehouse - Blind/Chapter One

How could a person have gone from ravenous to absolutely stuffed in a matter of 30 minutes? By gobbling up dinner that is! Gosh, I can barely move my newly acquired buddha belly. To think I'll be heading out for supper with the Spottiswoode gang in less than an hour. Ecks. Think I'd better stick to having tea and nothing else.

Today's reunion dinner was great, as usual. Everybody was full of praise for korkor's buah keluak and achar. Hmm. People often ask me how I stay this size living in a house chock full of Peranakan delights. I don't know, maybe I've grown up around good food.. so much that I don't feel the need to gobble all the goodies in sight I guess? Tsk. Spoilt brat huh?

I was actually planning on blogging a reflective entry, seeing how it's Chinese New Year and all, but I guess it's time to end this post. Gotta get ready for my supper date. Ecks. Still stuffed.

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