Thursday, January 26, 2006

Some court shoes bite.

Some court shoes bite.

That's a shot of my CPM team, snapped by Owen just before we zipped in for the last presentation of our entire Hospitality life in TP. There we are, all dolled up in our suits (HTM BESE standards okay, haha), those darn-it-painful court shoes and with our hair tied up that way. It struck me that the project's lasted for only 7 weeks. You mean the mayhem lasted us only 7 weeks?! Trust me, it seemed like forever.

It's been one helluva journey alright. From the heart attack inducing "please come see me" phone call, the crazy trips into Sentosa for the usually unproductive meetings, the hair-wrenching survey sessions, the boisterously crazy laughter and ah-lian jokes shared in the com labs, to the recent late night meetings... We're as different as six individuals can be, yet when we come together as a team; it's magic. And you know what, I can almost confidently say that all of us have grown from hating Aloysius Lee to well, liking him quite a bit. God, has it only been 7 weeks?!! I can't get over that.

I arrived home at six today, after picking up my turquoise drawstring pants from Far East and having my brows trimmed. It felt weird to be home this early and even weirder to be able to bum around. My couch potato alter-ego didn't take too long to get reacquainted with my sofa though. A comfortably lazy evening was spent watching American Idol auditions (LOL) and F.R.I.E.N.D.S, together with Mcdonald's home delivery. It doesn't take alot to make a girl happy you know?

TV night's turned my brains to mush. Can't quite get into the swing of doing my CPM portfolio. Ecks, I don't wanna be stuck doing that during the CNY break, but it ain't quite good to un-mush mush no?

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