Tuesday, January 31, 2006

You don't know how it feels

You don't know how it feels
to have all my different worlds collide.

Over-indulgence. Now that's one sin I know one and many commit during each Chinese New Year season. Bak kwa and those damn-it-yummy pineapple tarts are top on the sin list. The fact that this CNY's so near the Christmas and New Year festivities doesn't help at all either. That's almost two months' worth of binging. Good grief.

The homeliness of the CNY period always wraps me in a cocoon of warmth, tempting me to laze and idle the holiday away. I refuse to fall prey. Awoke bright and early on the first day, not to bai nian, but instead to stealthily make my way outside for a run before my mom started on one of her superstitions, lol! And today, Kelly babe and I hit the pool for laps. (The episode of the funny jokers at Delta part 3 I'll save for another day.) How's that for not straying huh?

Yesterday was chaotic, exhausting but oodles of fun! I had all my mates over - my poly mates, Sentosa gang, Spottiswoode gang, Jason as well as my very important bitch! Having my five different worlds in one room filled me with a blissful contentment. I know I have never done a good job juggling these worlds, and I always seem to be able to concentrate only on one at a time.. so yesterday was really quite an important milestone to me. As much as I enjoyed having crowds over, having dinner with just Bitch and Vince was good for winding down, as was the quiet movie-night-in with Jason later on. A day well spent.

Went by Marilyn's place post-swim. Black jack was the game of the day (again) where Jason and I set to recoup yesterday's losses. Well, we came no way close, but it's all in the name of fun. :)

Maybe because it isn't supposed to make sense.

Maybe because it isn't supposed to make sense.

LeAnn Rimes - But I Do Love You

I don't like to be alone in the night
And I don't like to hear I'm wrong when I'm right
And I don't like to have the rain on my shoe
But I do love you, but I do love you

I don't like to see the sky painted gray
And I don't like when nothing's going my way
And I don't like to be the one with the blues
But I do love you, but I do love you

Love everything about the way you're loving me
The way you lay your head
Upon my shoulder when you sleep
And I love to kiss you in the rain
I love everything you do, oh I do

I don't like to turn the radio on
Just to find I missed my favorite song
And I don't like to be the last with the news
But I do love you, but I do love you

Love everything about the way you're loving me
The way you lay your head
Upon my shoulder when you sleep
And I love to kiss you in the rain
I love everything you do, oh I do

And I don't like to be alone in the night
And I don't like to hear I'm wrong when I'm right
And I don't like to have the rain on my shoes
But I do love you, but I do love you
But I do love you, but I do love you.

This song makes no sense. What has disliking the rain on one's shoes got to do with loving someone? Hah, just like the crazy little thing called love I say! Makes no sense at all.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Coffee and oranges.

Coffee and oranges.

I am always so exhausted whenever the first day of the Chinese New Year rolls around. The house-hopping never fails to wear me out, though I have to admit those tiny red packets are quite a perk... Lol.

Zipped off to meet Jem for coffee in the night. It was so good to just catch up and talk nonsense like we pretty much used to do. And I was pretty much bowled over by his new-found gentlemanly behaviour. Ahh.. so the army does good actually.

Me: Hey, you've become more gentlemanly ever since you went into army huh?
Jem: Izzit? Where got. We just haven't been walking into doors and escalators that much in the past la.



Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

The one I love most in the whole entire world.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.



Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Dad and Mom.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.



Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

My angel.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Jem, one of my best bitching kakis. :)


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Speak softly, people will listen.
Take your time, the world will wait.

How apt for enjoying coffee huh? I'm inspired.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Round table

Round table
Feeling: Absolutely stuffed!
Spinning: Lifehouse - Blind/Chapter One

How could a person have gone from ravenous to absolutely stuffed in a matter of 30 minutes? By gobbling up dinner that is! Gosh, I can barely move my newly acquired buddha belly. To think I'll be heading out for supper with the Spottiswoode gang in less than an hour. Ecks. Think I'd better stick to having tea and nothing else.

Today's reunion dinner was great, as usual. Everybody was full of praise for korkor's buah keluak and achar. Hmm. People often ask me how I stay this size living in a house chock full of Peranakan delights. I don't know, maybe I've grown up around good food.. so much that I don't feel the need to gobble all the goodies in sight I guess? Tsk. Spoilt brat huh?

I was actually planning on blogging a reflective entry, seeing how it's Chinese New Year and all, but I guess it's time to end this post. Gotta get ready for my supper date. Ecks. Still stuffed.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Drumming prodigy - he's only 6!


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

I get the point Jason. ROFL.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

On the bus home after an afternoon in town.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Some court shoes bite.

Some court shoes bite.

That's a shot of my CPM team, snapped by Owen just before we zipped in for the last presentation of our entire Hospitality life in TP. There we are, all dolled up in our suits (HTM BESE standards okay, haha), those darn-it-painful court shoes and with our hair tied up that way. It struck me that the project's lasted for only 7 weeks. You mean the mayhem lasted us only 7 weeks?! Trust me, it seemed like forever.

It's been one helluva journey alright. From the heart attack inducing "please come see me" phone call, the crazy trips into Sentosa for the usually unproductive meetings, the hair-wrenching survey sessions, the boisterously crazy laughter and ah-lian jokes shared in the com labs, to the recent late night meetings... We're as different as six individuals can be, yet when we come together as a team; it's magic. And you know what, I can almost confidently say that all of us have grown from hating Aloysius Lee to well, liking him quite a bit. God, has it only been 7 weeks?!! I can't get over that.

I arrived home at six today, after picking up my turquoise drawstring pants from Far East and having my brows trimmed. It felt weird to be home this early and even weirder to be able to bum around. My couch potato alter-ego didn't take too long to get reacquainted with my sofa though. A comfortably lazy evening was spent watching American Idol auditions (LOL) and F.R.I.E.N.D.S, together with Mcdonald's home delivery. It doesn't take alot to make a girl happy you know?

TV night's turned my brains to mush. Can't quite get into the swing of doing my CPM portfolio. Ecks, I don't wanna be stuck doing that during the CNY break, but it ain't quite good to un-mush mush no?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Defying logic

Defying logic

So all the supposed u-turns have finally led to a dead end. The numbness has lasted me through the best part of the day, but the smallest of email comments dropped the guard. What was I expecting really. I don't even know why I'm beating myself up over this.

Monday, January 23, 2006

At ease with me.

At ease with me.
Spinning: Kitaro - Island of Life
Feeling: Like who I used to be

Pre-ranting: For those of you who might be vaguely interested (though I seriously doubt it 'cos you're all probably in the "HTM SEM BE GONE" mindset), my article of choice was one on child sex tourism. My "child sex tourism" radar has been on every morning I scan the papers ever since the day I chose that article. Now, I didn't know there was a Singapore activist group, all women to boot, that hopes to raise awareness about child trafficking and prostitution! Their site's not quite up yet, so you might wanna check out www.threezframe.blogspot.com for now.

Ever wondered what a constantly evolving you would like, should your spirit have the power to leave your shell of a body? I'm so in touch with myself these days, it's kinda driving me crazy.

Opportunity cost. The independence I've evolved to possess comes with a price tag - aloofness. I no longer plan my schedule around people, nor do I thrive on the energy of people around me. Instead, there's a serene joy in doing things as to my whim and fancy.

No more disappointment when my workout buddy backs out at the last moment. No more need for unnecessary small talk during workouts. No more scrambling out of bed with just 2 hours of sleep just to keep an appointment. No more committing to something I'd rather not do. While this step out of this vicious cycle of people-pleasing is refreshing, it has to a certain extent, robbed me of my ability to feel and relate to people.

Now don't get me wrong. I haven't morphed into a hermit all of a sudden or something. I've just become more at ease with myself and being alone with myself than I've ever been. And I value this independence.

Jason came by real early yesterday morning and off we went for our run to Mt. Faber and back. Running UP the hill was no darn joke, but it was a good workout. We're both pretty active, but we haven't exactly worked out together. Come to think of it, the last time we actually exercised together was in early 2004. Right. Lol. Working out's been a huge part of my life, and sharing that part with him felt good. The run's on the "share list" we've sorta come up with in our recent quest to keep the passion alive by the way. Very cartoon I know, haha.

Finally caught Undiscovered, and it was sadly as badly cliched as I'd expected it to be. Oh well. They've got a smokin' soundtrack though.

Steve Strait & Jen Crowe - Smart In a Stupid Way

She had eyes like crazy diamonds
And yew and feet of clay
We rolled the windows down as they would go
It was a smoggy day
She looked up and asked me if I ever had a lover that I did not betray
And I turned on the radio and I looked the other way
She said you're smart, but in a stupid way

And this is the price that you pay
For being smart in a stupid way
You stand there staring while you lover walks away
Being smart, in a stupid way

The doors they close like eyelids
The train just pulled away
Sometimes I smell the perfume that she was wearing that day
And I wonder if there's anyone that I'll ever love in any way
Maybe I'll grow up and be good someday
Maybe this pain I feel will go away

And this is the price that you pay
For being smart in a stupid way
You stand there staring while you lover walks away
Being smart, in a stupid way

So why is my heart so hollow
Why are my dreams so shallow
And why don't I ever have anything else to say
And why is my love so far away

And this is the price that you pay
For being smart in a stupid way
You stand there staring while you lover walks away
Being smart, in a stupid way.

siloso - 21jan

siloso - 21jan
Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

How I've missed this.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

The Yeo family.. celebrating the Mrs' birthday.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Sweaty, thirsty and smelly, post-run.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Post-shopping supper.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

The world, from between my legs. ROFL.

Friday, January 20, 2006

When the whole world fits inside your arms

When the whole world fits inside of your arms
I'll make you banana pancakes.

Spinning - Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Feeling - More relaxed than I've been in days

I've been spinning the album all afternoon, ever since I sat down to attempt my HTM Sem Portfolio. The guitar strumming and soothing vocals of Hawaii boy Johnson makes me feel like I'm in a rustic beach resort and that the sea's just a couple of steps out the door. I'm imagining a place that's a cross between Grand Hyatt Bali and Paya Beach Resort Tioman. Wooden floor planks. Sunshine. Salty sea breeze. White and blue instead of burnt orange and turquoise. Hmmm. :)

It's kinda amazing how sounds and scents can conjure up the cocktail of intangible emotions in me. I wish I could share in words what it is exactly I feel on a balmy cloudy afternoon like these, but I can't. And I think that it is this lack of vocabulary that makes the feeling even more personal and beautiful. Lost you didn't I? Lol.

Anyway, an opportunity to go on a holiday was thrown in my face and I valliantly slapped it away. Quoting myself, "That'll leave me with only 2 days to prepare for my Calculus exam, cannot lah." The destination was Shanghai by the way.

As I was telling a friend last night, nothing (and I repeat, NOTHING), not even the final exam of my final semester, would have made me say no if the destination had been Bali or any other (exotic enough) tropical beach resort. I don't quite like the cold... and China's never appealed to me as an enjoyable holiday destination. There you have it. That said, I'll prolly be one of the last few to tap on the booming Chinese market opportunities.

This morning's swim was fruitful - it didn't only provide my limbs with a much anticipated loosening but it rejolted my like for creating analogies as well. Here's what happened. Imagine the length of the swimming pool. I'm swimming from end A to end B when this joker jumps in and plonks himself directly in my lane at end B, despite the fact that there were 1001 lanes available. (Okay I'm exaggerating. Make that 5 lanes.) I was incensed, and I wouldn't be surprised if I looked like a grouper with flaring nostrils or something. As I approached end B, the obvious choice was to switch to the next lane.

That whole episode got me thinking and relating it to life. Imagine the pool as life. Once in awhile, obstacles and curveballs are thrown in, in this case in the form of the extremely irritating joker. One can be angry and upset, but ultimately, one still has to deal with it.
Now, I chose to deal with it by switching lanes and avoiding confrontation (though I admit I threw him a dirty look coupled with an extremely loud tutting noise when I surfaced) but some (more violent people) might have swam right towards him and kneed him in the balls or something. I unfortunately do not have a conclusion to this analogy just yet, haha.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Taking a break from editing the proposal... I'm exhausted! Golly, my group's been working late for 2 consecutive nights, and I'm crossing my fingers this won't be the case tomorrow. These couple of late nights fill me with a teeny bit of nostalgia actually.. reminds me of my late-night projects in Year 1 Sem 1 and the many late nights the HTMIG spent in campus holding events and having meetings. Good Lord. I can't believe that poly life will be over in a month! The one and only exam's on 21 February, after which it'll be our self-proclaimed graduation. Now that the project hoo-hah's coming to an end.. the anticipation of loss' slowly starting to surface.

It's been a good week though, despite the hustle and bustle, and the fact that I'm down with flu. At least I don't feel like I'm gonna fall off the chair anytime soon. And I've got a jolly group working with me to boot - loadsa amusing anecdotes and bimbotic exclamations. Just my cup of tea, haha!

NAPFA was extremely satisfying as well. One's body really is a temple, though I gotta admit I haven't been respecting mine of late, what with the lack of sleep and all. Hmm. Actually I DO feel like I'm gonna fall off my chair.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Hon, you jump like f*ck.

Hon, you jump like f*ck.

Post shopping on Thursday night. Was sent home by the boyfriend. Standing at lift landing.
Shared my fear on not being able to jump far enough for standing broad jump. Ex-long-jump-champion shared his tips and did a demo. I tried. He burst out laughing. "Hon, you jump like f*ck."

F*ck got me my 178 today. Hah! Maybe it wasn't f*ck but luck instead. Lol!


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Coffee on a cold rainy Saturday. :)


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Coffee on a cold rainy Saturday. :)


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Check out the effect this effect has on the background. Haha.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

On my own two feet.

On my own two feet.

We live in our shadows of who we used to be, and it is from these that we must break free.

I've gone through a couple of such phases of change of liberation in this past year, yet each time I think I'm ready to cast the old shadows aside, someone, or something pulls me right back. It frustrates me each time that happens, though a sliver of my consciousness wonders if it is a good thing that I'm forced to be grounded like I am right now.

I know I've changed - my ideals especially. While I'm happy being who I've become, circumstances don't seem to want to let me embrace this new me. Everything seems so contrived each time I try to conform myself to be who everybody expects me to be, it's kinda hard to breathe.

I'm beginning to believe in karma. Kinda feels like we've switched places in a span of a year. I'm fighting to keep my faith in what I used to believe in, though it's beginning to feel like a losing battle. I know I'm losing my footing. Trying ain't easy, and the phonecall's just made things that much harder. How long more Leigh?

After a whole week of rain, the sun's been unexpectedly bright the past two days. If I were anymore imaginative, I'd have thought it to be a sign that I'm finally doing things right. Apt timing too.

Fuschia peacock feathers.

Fuschia peacock feathers.

I finally got my hair permed, after 2 years' worth of procrastination and unsuitable hair lengths. Truth be told, I barely recognise the stranger looking back at me in the mirror in the mornings, though it does feel kinda cool to have poofy messy hair, haha! My only gripe is that I gotta stay away from the pool for 2 weeks, unless I subject myself to wearing a swimming cap. We'll see if I do get THAT desperate.

Don't quite feel like putting my life situation down in words. I kinda feel like I've just gotten off a nerve-wrecking rollercoaster ride - my heart's still somewhere up in the clouds. I need a coffee session without having to worry about work awaiting. CPM be over!

Brunch date at Starbucks tomorrow! love brunches. Come Sunday, it'll be brunch (again) with Jemo. I totally miss that dude. And I think we'll be coffee-ing with Ceci in the evening tomorrow. Mmm. -tunes mind off work-


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Dinner at Pepper Lunch. We've been dying to check that place out, but it's always been crowded... until today.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Group meeting outside LT 18 - Racking our brains and laughing our guts out over the floor plans.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Post meeting.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

On bus 23.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Jason in action.


Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Look what we found - a lion in Orchard!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

cnyshopping - nydc

cnyshopping - nydc
Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

cnyshopping - nydc1

cnyshopping - nydc1
Originally uploaded by sarongskirts.

Saturday in town - "Dupper" (dinner cum supper) at NYDC after 5.5 hours of non-stop shopping. We would have continued if the shops weren't closing. We rock babe!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Does this wayward path lead me home?

Does this wayward path lead me home?

In 2005, my beliefs were challenged, and I fell short of who I thought myself to be. Somewhere in the warm cocoon I possessed, I was scared. I was afraid of getting too comfortable, of expecting, and darn scared of having my expectations crushed, along with my heart.

In my fear, I made wrong moves; maneuvres I'd expected others, never myself, to make. My only excuse? "You'll never know till you try." I'm not ashamed though. The self-growth and understanding I've reaped has been exceptional.

It isn't a crossroad that lays ahead. It is a U-turn sign that has seen too many procrastinations.

Friday, January 06, 2006

At ease.

At ease.

The weather's gone all awry yet again. Hello, it's supposed to be spring! It was so sunny during the Christmas period but now.. Oh well. Let's hope the rain doesn't thwart my evening plans. For now, I'm content to just snuggle in bed with a novel and watch the afternoon pass me by.

I attempted my first run of the new year today, and I wasn't in good form, as expected. I've yet to regain the strength in my legs, and I almost thought they would give way somewhere at the halfway mark. Ego had me pushing on, albeit at a more relaxed pace than usual. Why did I have to get stomach flu just ten days before NAPFA? Nice timing Leigh, urghs.

I'm glad it's over though. Nothing beats having the appetite to enjoy a proper breakfast with coffee! Ah. My first coffee of 2006. Is my bliss radiating off your computer screens yet? Haha! I'm so gonna have a latte tomorrow. :)

Excuse the lack of expression in my blogging. All energy (as long as it involves the ability to write) has been channelled into my HTM Sem Paper for now. Quite a bit of polishing to do.. the "it's there but not quite" kinda feeling. Hmm. At least I've got a draft out! That leaves my afternoon free for shopping and ticket-buying tomorrow. I can't believe I've put off my Chinese New Year clothes-hunt for so long.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wanted a shoulder; got a couple of laughs instead.

Wanted a shoulder; got a couple of laughs instead.

I got a little melancholic and reflective earlier on in the night when the issue of friendships came to mind. When the fact that I suck at maintaining lasting friendships threatened to overwhelm, there's no one better to run to than my partner-in-crime, my bitch. Like I always say, for two people who suck at maintaining friendships, we sure are doing a good job with maintaining ours, haha.

The pep talk lasted only for awhile before we digressed, as usual, and my bitch made one of those comments I feel will make it to my "Top 10 Dumbest Things Said In 2006" list, somewhat similar to her bird flu comments last year, if you guys remember.

Bitch: Babe, how's your stomach flu, still vomitting?
Me: Better I guess. Only vomitted once the first night.
Bitch: You know why you vomit?
Me: Why?
Bitch: 'Cos you see ah, when you have flu and you sneeze, your mucus comes out right. So stomach flu is when you stomach is sneezing, so when your stomach sneezes, the vomit comes out lor.

She never fails to impress me.

On a different note, I'm regaining my appetite! I actually felt hungry enough to have a proper dinner earlier on. I'm pretty ecstatic actually.. am crossing my fingers I'll be able to go for a run tomorrow. :) Here's an extract of a conversation I had with my auntie earlier on when I'd just returned home from class.

Auntie: Your skirt's falling off your hips.
Me: I know, my butt's gone, not that I had much of one to begin with.
Auntie: All the sit-ups you do for what, now your tummy is so flat already. Next time just fall sick can already.

Is today the day for out-of-this-world comments? Haha. My body is a temple and I will treat it with the respect it deserves. That's my mantra for 2006. Stomach flu, be gone!

Perpetually drunk.

My body is a temple, ruined at the moment.

Staring out at the window this morning after being comatose for a good 12 hours, watching the the slightly cloudy morning slowly light up, I wished with all my heart that I had the strength to head down for a jog. An equally enticing alternative would be to jump into the pool and watch from underwater the wave-like patterns of the sun rays playing with the water's surface.

Please let me regain my strength real soon. Walking around, feeling like I'm gonna fall over any other minute's no fun at all.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Goodbye '05, hello '06!

Goodbye '05, hello '06!

I can't believe it's a start of a whole new year. 2005 has been so eventful and enriching, I can't imagine what 2006 would be like, what with my graduation in 2 months and the start of a whole new life. :)

It has been a week of celebrations with lotsa good company. There was the dinner and mahjong with the Spottiswoode gang on Friday, followed by a quick movie (Family Stone, not bad) and a quiet night in with a couple of mates last night with lotsa wine and junk.

On a slightly morbid note, I ushered in the new year with stomach flu and a bucketful of puke. Ew, I know. Haha. Spent the dawn with my dad and my aunt in Raffles Medical curled up on the couch, willing those darn cramps to go away. They did, eventually, like 8 hours later, haha. I'd be lying if I said I felt as good as new right now, but I'm definitely in way better shape than the shivering weakling I was 18 hours ago.

Drowsiness drifted me through my New Year's day. Apart from repeatedly hitting my bed with my fists each time the cramps came around before finally falling into a restless nap, all else I remember was Jason coming around and me falling asleep in his arms through the whole afternoon. While he's away at his granny's dinner I had to miss 'cos of the virus, I'm here at home praying I didn't pass my virus on to him. He's heading off to Brunei for training tomorrow, so I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed.

I am so hooked on Blind by Lifehouse. Spent a coupla restless nights tuning in to the radio hoping to catch the title ever since I heard it on Tuesday. There's something so huskily smooth about Jason's Wade's vocals. Mmmm.

I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless
As you turned around to leave
And still I have the pain I have to carry
A past so deep
That even you could not bury if you tried

After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more
Than you'll ever know
And part of me died
When I let you go

I would fall asleep
Only in hopes of dreaming
That everything
Would be like it was before
But nights like this
It seems are slowly fleeting
They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor

After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more
Than you'll ever know
And part of me died
When I let you go

After all this why
Would you ever wanna leave
Maybe you could not believe it
That my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more
Than you will ever know
And part of me died
When I let you go

That I loved you more
Than you will ever know
And part of me died
When I let you go