Sunday, December 06, 2009

Louisiana Sunday afternoon.

Louisiana Sunday afternoon.

How I enjoyed my Sunday! It's the first since the semester started that I didn't feel obligated to pick up my media law readings or go about hammering out yet another article draft. My third piano student postponed her lesson too, so I had an additional hour to enjoy the weekend without any niggling feeling of work-guilt at the back of my mind.

P and I spent an hour breathing in books in the library, and I've now got a stack waiting to be devoured. And that was just what I did after I got home in the evening - snuggle up in bed to read some wine literature until I dozed off. There's a quiet luxury about napping on Sunday evenings, slipping into sleep when the skies are bright and waking to the sunset's last embers.

But now, back to family obligations now that the exams are over. My sister's off in the front line jumping through fire loops (Mom's foul mood). Ecks.

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