Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Chai with the Bunch of Cynical Bastards.

Chai with the Bunch of Cynical Bastards.
feeling: sleepy, amused.

It's almost 3 a.m. Indian time, and I'm just back from the almost-nightly chai tea session at Chota with the Bunch of Cynical Bastards (BCB, pseudo BBC). The BCB, consisting of Erwin, Romain and Bertie, was born out of their overly cynical and sarcastic comments about the weekend's Dasada trip.

It's funny, 'cos all us Singaporean exchange students feel that we're here in India learning about the French more than the native culture. Not that I'm complaining - I thoroughly enjoy their company.

There's Romain - champion bargainer and the epitome of Singaporean kiasu/kiasi.
There's Melanie - the perpetually drugged-looking champion cigarette roller.
There's Bertie - the resident cool guy and champion joker.
And there's Marine - the sweet one with a fantastic sense of humor. "I don't want to get up just to see two birds," she said to me when we had to get up at 5:45 a.m. for the morning safari trip. Haha!

It's officially three, and I have to be up in three and a half hours to leave for Delhi. The laptop's coming with me, and as the hotel we're staying in claims to have WiFi, hopefully it won't be too long before the next post.

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