Thursday, August 25, 2011

Moral efficiency.

So, I haven't been to the office much since we put our September baby to print. I've decided to condense two issues worth of recipe testing into a week (so I'm not obligated to hit the stoves after my vacay), and I've been zipping in and out of grocery stores and my kitchen like a woman on a mission.

But while I was milking the euphoria that comes with not having to beat the peak hour traffic to journey to the far east, I was also getting increasingly unsettled with each passing day. It's weird, but all that dissipated the minute I sat down at my mess of an office desk this morning.

I can't explain it. I actually feel morally more efficient in an environment of pantry chats and lunchtime trash talking, as opposed to what seems like an illicitly indulgent five-successful-recipes-a-day schedule.

Go figure!

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