Sunday, August 07, 2011

It is impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.

07 Aug '11: Sunset on Raffles Place

One of my favourite things to do on a lazy weekend is to strap on my running shoes and... walk. While there is some form of sadistic euphoria that comes from pounding the pavement, walking brings with it a soul-soothing contentment, and a reminder that the simplest pleasures in life are often best savoured at your own pace.

I usually take to the hiking trail when I'm on my own, but I like having my walking buddy with me when it comes to taking the long route through the urban jungle. It's nice to be in good company and, because CH is a voice of reason, it gives me a chance to regurgitate the thinking I do during my walks of solitude. Sometimes, I get a plan of action out of our conversations, like I did today; at other times I get a big, fat reality check, like I did today, too.

Me: So, I've given myself till my 25th birthday before I start living more responsibly.
CH: -does a double take- I never expected to hear you say that so soon.
Me: Why not? It's about time. It's been seven years. After Adelaide. Okay, maybe India.
CH: -unconvinced- Yeah, yeah, and what's planned for next year after India? You're always flying somewhere.
Me: Hmm. But can you imagine how rich I'd be if I didn't travel? All these years?
CH: Well...... Haha, yes.

- lapse into comfortable silence -

Me: Then again, I'll be cash rich but poor in terms of life experiences!
CH: Really? How "poor" exactly will you be if you don't go to Adelaide?
Me: Shut up.

Old friends. Gotta love them to hate them.

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