Friday, March 19, 2010

In between chaos.

In between chaos.

Hello world. It's been a while hasn't it? One moment I was dreaming up grand plans to spend a lazy Wednesday afternoon reading; the next I was fervently hammering on the keyboard while my mind whirled with a list of people I had to hound. That's almost done thankfully, so I'm taking a moment to luxuriate in the fact that I no longer feel the urge to check my email every three minutes.

And I gotta say that I don't fancy how emails seem to lose their way in cyberspace from their sender's mailbox to my Yahoo account? Perhaps it is time I took up D's suggestion to switch to Gmail.

Anyway, I have a tendency of getting so wrapped up in my writing that I just want to hole myself up at home and type away, so much so that I wished for a moment that I didn't have to go to Lawry's with the ladies who lunch yesterday. It's pathetic I know, but thank goodness that folly lasted only a second.

Lunch was waaaay better than my last visit to the old Paragon establishment; and it is certainly comforting that it's one-for-one with a DBS credit card. ;)

Off I go to terrorise the last lady. Bless her soul.

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