Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ocean calling.

Ocean calling.

Yesterday's buffet lunch at Suki Sushi has officially quenched my insatiable sushi and sashimi cravings. I don't think I can stomach another slice of raw fish for awhile; until it's time to toss the yu sheng perhaps? On hindsight, a breakfast of three pineapple tarts and nothing else wasn't the smartest thing to have before a buffet consisting of mostly raw fish. I could almost feel their sliced up souls swimming around in my stomach while Ran and I took a post-lunch walk before settling down for another two hours in the cinema for The Women.

movie poster from

I had mixed expectations about the film, especially when its synopsis likened it to Sex and the City. There can only be one SATC in my opinion, and any movie that claims to be similar would inevitably pale in comparison. It's like watching another sitcom starring six friends which likens itself to F.R.I.E.N.D.S., or eating a diet chocolate bar which claims to taste just like the real thing (yeah right, more like its cardboard packaging maybe).

The Women however was surprisingly good and nothing like a SATC knockoff, apart from the starting scene of designer shoes (which is more Lipstick Jungle than SATC really) and its focus on female friendships. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and so did my fellow cinema-goers judging from the constant chuckles, though I can't quite fathom why I found it so difficult to keep my eyes open halfway through the movie. It took the audience's loud laughter at a hilarious punchline and a lot of will power before I settled myself upright and awake again. All I missed was Meg Ryan's transformation from downtrodden betrayed to up-and-coming fashion designer.

The weekends pass awfully quickly now that I'm working. My undergrad timetable used to allow me at least one weekday afternoon to myself, but the only me-time I get on weekdays now is split between workouts (in order to maintain a semblance of a non-sedentary lifestyle) and dinner dates. My three nights out this week (Shokudo dinner with the uni babes on Tuesday, Mcdonald's and gossip with my poly threesome on Wednesday, and Cedele and more gossip with the Alphabets on Friday) made getting out of bed in the mornings and the post-lunch slumps harder than usual. I'm not complaining though. The tight schedule's made me more appreciative of the weekends, and I procrastinate a tad less than when my time was not governed by a 9 to 6:30 job.

I do miss having a morning lie-in though. My alarm clock still goes off during the weekends now that I give piano lessons on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I've fostered a bond with my three students that it feels like a mini catch-up of sorts more than a music lesson, so that takes the edge off my morning calls. Early mornings are also really a small price to pay for travel money. (Yes that's how I get the moolah to fund my jaunts around the globe. It's the more glamorous and better-paying alternative to waitressing in a Parisian bar to buy a ticket home.)

That said, I am going to put the above-mentioned paragraph on procrastinating less to the test by logging off for a spot of spring-cleaning.

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