Thursday, January 01, 2009

366 days later.

366 days later.

Yet another year has passed us by. Perhaps there is some truth in the saying that life fast fowards the minute you're past 21.

It really does feel like yesterday that I was waking up to India's freezing cold and brilliant winter sunshine. Those red brick walls and languid days of chai and butter toast don't seem that far away.

The elusive fireworks of yesteryear.

Looking back on 2008, all I can seem to think of is how long my hair was!

New year resolutions almost always never get fulfilled, but I think the dawn of a new year acts as a psychological impetus to convince us to break out of old habits and try just that little bit harder.

So while the first day of 2009 is still working its motivating magic, here's what I'm gonna try to do this year:

1. Be more religious about sunblock
2. Lose 3kg, or at least not gain any while on internship
3. Keep practising yoga
4. Keep traveling
5. Live, love and laugh more

Sounds simple enough?

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