Saturday, November 29, 2008

It could have been us.

It could have been us.

If you don’t know already, Mumbai was hit by terrorists earlier this week. I just heard from Erwin that Leopold Café, which we frequented while we were there in April, was hit by gunmen. I remember laughing at his paranoia when we were there, and it feels absolutely unreal reading the updates on BBC.

It could have been us. When we were in Mumbai, we were discussing how Leopold Café would have been a likely target for a terrorist attack due to the sheer number of Westerners who hang out there, and it’s painfully surreal to realize that the café was really in the plan.

And the Singaporean lawyer who was held hostage was killed just a few hours ago.

We often tempt fate, complacently thinking that we could never be that unlucky. As much as successes in life come from being at the right place at the right time, apparently so do deaths.

First Ahmedabad, and now Mumbai. Timing saved our lives.

In light of recent events, is there any one place that’s truly safe? But how does one draw the line between complacency and reclusion? We can’t just stop living, despite the pain and fear. Life goes on, and we’ll be damned if it doesn’t.

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