Thursday, August 19, 2010

Taking stock.

I suppose it is when you're dog tired yet still buzzing with contentment that you can be certain you love your job. It's been a crazy week at work, but witnessing our hard work translate into a tangible product, and of course having the traditional closing drinks with the team, make all the scrambling and late nights worth it.

 But I did have a spot of calm before the storm. I spent the entire weekend doing absolutely nothing work related and what a breath of fresh air it was! It was good catching up on all the gossip with the GQC babes over pizzas and desserts on Saturday, as it was having Jin over on Sunday evening to demolish a few cupcakes and wine, in a somewhat homely tribute to our pre-India/HK happy hour margaritas. And despite her allergy to dust, she gamely got on her knees to peek under my bed and behind the piano in the hopes of uncovering something I've stupidly misplaced.

I've yet to find it.

Well, I should know by now that life indeed works in funny ways. Perhaps the answers I'm looking for will come to me in another way.

I'd still like to find it though.

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