Thursday, July 01, 2010

30 days later.

30 days later.

It's certainly been awhile, slightly over a month actually. That's how long it took to document my entire Aussie trip but I'm glad that's done and I can get back to web catharsis. Several things have happened while my introspection was on hiatus, of which the most momentous would be starting work full-time. I can't quite believe it's been a month actually - I've gone full throttle from day one and time has whizzed by.

It was, as jumping headfirst into new situations tend to be, a little trying at the beginning as I struggled to find my footing (after a long vacation!), but I've since settled into the job. I guess I forget sometimes, especially when work gets really intense, how lucky I am to be doing and loving what I'm doing. I love experiencing all that my work exposes me to and there's so much to learn from the excellent mentors around me. Blessed I am indeed.

I have at the same time closed a chapter in my life. All that's happened this year has really got me thinking about what I want in life and I realised that I'm not willing to trade in the many things this relationship required me to in order for it to work. Right person wrong time or wrong person right time - I don't know. What I do know is that there's still that insatiable hunger in me to lead my life according to my own rules and I'm not ready to compromise any of it for anyone just yet. It's taken me awhile to get here but the freedom is liberating.

Stay tuned. :)

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