Sunday, April 11, 2010

The big question.

The big question.

picture from here

Blogging sometimes leaves me in a bit of a dilemma. Writing is a form of catharsis, but I have a personal policy against airing dirty laundry on the world wide web. On the other hand, writing only about happy things has given some the impression that I live a charmed life of sorts. I don't, by the way.

Food seems to offer a neutral ground, but I don't want to just talk about the things I put in my mouth, even if a big chunk of my life revolves around that of late. The terms of my contract have also got me grappling with what I should or should not reveal as a huge portion of the things I see and do these days ultimately channel towards my work. I am starting to wonder if lickthyspoon is that good an idea after all, but that's a question for another day.

The big question therefore is - what do I write about? I'm done writing about my innermost feelings in the hopes that my words find an encho in the emotions of others. The act often leaves me feeling a bit too vulnerable for my liking, and I like my privacy a little too much these days.  Feelings, I have decided, are a very personal thing meant to be shared only with select people, not anybody who can find your page via Google.

And to be honest - baring your soul to the computer can sometimes make people think they know you when they don't, agree?

Perhaps what I need is this, in a supersize can.

picture from here

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