Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Friendship |ˈfrendˌ sh ip|

Friendship |ˈfrendˌ sh ip|

I don't think I'm a good friend. Unless I see or hear from you often enough for you to become a habit, chances are you won't hear from me. Once in a blue moon maybe, but almost never just to check "how you've been doing" or to catch up over a cup of coffee. I like to think it's genetically engineered, this inertia to just be instead of go out of my way to maintain friendships.

Yet, I have been blessed with many steadfast friendships in spite of my laissez-faire attitude. However, I must admit that it is in recent trying times that I've fully appreciated how loyal these angels are, and how ever ready they are to pitch in, sometimes at the drop of a hat.

From registering me with the embassy when Vietnam was struck with typhoons and ferrying me and my stack of barang barang, to agreeing to waste a weekend sculpting balloons and staying back after class to help stick stars on media invite kits... I don't know what I did in my past life to deserve you all, but thank you and I love you all. You're the best friends anyone can ever hope to have. And you have all inspired me to keep up and be a better friend.

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