Saturday, November 21, 2009

A different perspective.

A different perspective.

picture from here

So much has happened to the people around me this study week that it almost feels like my perspectives on life are being vicariously altered while I simultaneously attempt to compress an entire semester's work into seven days of revision.

What strings these different accounts together is probably shock. The sort of "Oh my God you're kidding", eyes widening with mouth agape sort of shock.

We go through life assuming, or at least allowing ourselves to believe in, some forms of permanence and certainty. Just when you start to believe that the ground is stable, life rips the wobbly planks from right under your feet, leaving you flailing and defeated.

It's scary when change comes not gradually with time for you to ready yourself, but instead in a tidal wave just when you are wearing your new silk frock.

You'll cry, lament the tattered silk, blame the sudden wave or sit in the aftermath of devastation in denial.

And then you'll pick yourself up, stick on some plasters and carry on living as raw wounds turn into muted scars.

Such is life, and the resilience of the human spirit.
And this I hope is your silver lining behind the dark, dark clouds.

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