Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sharing introspections.

Sharing introspections.

music: the freelance hellraiser - want you to know

I talk to myself. In my head. Alot.

Odd eureka moments, or random flashes of inspiration. Quite often, memories of things I have done but am not proud of creep up on me, and I have to try really quite hard to tame those waves of humiliation and guilt.

We all have our share of wrongdoings. Mine just like to remind me of them every now and then. Doesn't quite help that 2006 was my year of sins.

Quite often too, I think of life. Moments of introspection, inspired by anything - from a thunderstorm to frangipani petals strewn on granite. More often than not, these thoughts get filed away in my head, or put into words in a blog entry.

I don't quite have the habit of sharing such thoughts out loud, for it seems injustified to literarize such abstraction. Most of the time, the kaleidoscope of my imagination gets lost in translation.

Needless to say, I have quite abit cooped up in that head of mine, and every once in awhile, I catch myself in an unconscious blab-fest. To a buddy, an ex-lover, a new friend, or even a complete stranger. I almost always cringe when I think back on such conversations. It's like wearing my innermost thoughts on my sleeve, and that degree of nakedness can get very disconcerting.

But every once in awhile, I am blessed to be in the company of someone who actually knows what it is I am driving at, and worries of finding the right words slip away. No blank looks. Just non-judgemental companionship and a night of shared reflections.

And my over-stuffed head of thoughts feel just that bit lighter.

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