Tuesday, September 23, 2008

When blogging feels like skiving.

When blogging feels like skiving.

I'm slightly over a third through my 1500-word essay, but it's somewhat slipshod, and in serious need of editing and beefing up. Still, it's comforting to know that I am almost halfway through my list of 10. It's the term break, but even blogging seems like an indulgence and superficial use of my time.

Funny how watching Gossip Girl didn't... neither did roaming around City Hall with B nor the long phone call with my sister who's in Germany. Priorities, priorities, haha!

There's yet another project meeting tomorrow morning, which I've got a feeling would drag till the afternoon. Then Gitte's coming over for her piano lesson in the evening. And as Thursday is gonna be packed with back-to-back appointments - brunch with B, beach run with Lanxi and dinner/movie with Ceci - I'm gonna have to work doubly hard tomorrow night. Hopefully I'd be able to wake up on time to squeeze in a swim before the 11 a.m. meeting.

And now to try to get to sleep before midnight...

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