Sunday, September 21, 2008

In Matcha lies the cure.

In Matcha lies the cure.

The realization of a 1500-word organizational communication essay rounds off my term break to-do list to a perfect 10. Between dates, project meetings and my beach routine, I've ridden on my writing roll over the weekend to churn out my travel writing assignment and an internship cover letter. That leaves me with 8.5 more assignments to tackle over the next seven days.

It is reminiscent of the crazy poly days, and I am oddly enjoying it. It's inexplicable how I feed off being consumed by a piece of writing. It zaps and restores my energy levels all at the same time, and I'm a sucker for this feeling.

The week before term break is almost always deadline haven, so between lessons and Japanese takeout, the babes and I had a bit of a breather mucking around with Erwin's new Woody Allen glasses.

Nothing like a spot of laughter to put things back into perspective.

That night, bitch and I caught up over some late-night frappuccinos at Starbucks.

For a few hours before I had to rush home for a midnight online meeting, I could push most thoughts of work to the back of my mind, and to enjoy my Green Tea Frappe. I've been stuck on the drink ever since Rai introduced it to me several weeks ago.

After errands and two pages of my travelogue, I met B for dinner and to catch Mamma Mia! on Friday.

poster from

I wouldn't have taken the "feel-good movie event of the year" phrase on the poster seriously if I hadn't seen the movie for myself. Despite the umpteen cheesy moments, the catchy tunes had the audience singing along, and clapping when the credits rolled. It was an unlikely movie-going experience.

"Are Singaporeans always like this in cinemas?" a clearly surprised B whispered sometime through the show. I wish!

After a semi-grueling Saturday morning meeting and a cholesterol-laden Carls' Jr lunch, I headed home for more travel writing and an energizing cat nap, before meeting a bunch of CS peeps for "cultural immersion" at Geylang Serai. Zak was our friendly tour guide of the day, and the most inspiring moment of the evening would have to be watching a whole kopitiam of Muslims breaking fast together.

I don't know if it was the lack of sleep, but Lanxi and I only managed 2/3 of our usual beach route, before calling it a day and heading back to the city for our sushi lunch. And a scoop of ice-cream, green tea flavor for me. If anything, at least I had substantial doses of antioxidants over the past few days to last me through the pile of work that awaits.


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