Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last dusk of 2011.

Two weeks ago, I settled back into my favourite Keralan hammock after breakfast and I thought hard. What is it that I want to achieve in 2012? To mediate everyday, to listen to my body, to complete 100 hours of yoga, to speak with care... there weren't many resolutions that came to mind after I spent a long time staring at the page and listening to the dancing breeze.

The truth is, I'm not great at making – and keeping – resolutions. I'm not sure if tangibilising a year's worth of abstract "I should do this" notions will actually spur me out of the rut that I settle into ever so comfortably as the next year progresses. Most of us have the freedom to remake our choices and relive our lives anytime. Why then do so many of us wait till the very last moments, right before the turning of a year, to search our souls and ask ourselves what it is that we really want? Do we, and will we, ever know what we want?

For a long time now, I feel like I've been living in waiting. It's almost like the many moments in my life have been orchestrated as a lead up to something, something that will make sense of all the choices I have made and lived by so far. A greater truth, if I may call it that, though not quite in the religious sense of things. Spiritual maybe.

So until the answer to life's great mystery weaves its way around to me, here's to you 2011. And 2012, I really hope the Mayans were wrong. I've got too much living left to do.

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