Sunday, July 08, 2007

Waiting on the world to change.

Waiting on the world to change.
feeling: thoughtful
music: john mayer - gravity

I must admit, I didn't get the logic behind the Live Earth concerts. How does a series of 24-hour concerts help a "climate in crisis"? Don't concerts require energy, what with the stage lighting and sound systems? And what about the energy depleted broadcasting the concerts on television?

The sheer incredulity had me sitting down to the telly while chomping down breakfast this morning. And for the next 45 minutes, I watched clips of celebrities teaching viewers how to conserve energy; compelling short films about the seriousness of global warming; a motivational 7-point pledge by Al Gore; and lastly, a heart wrenching rendition of Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer.

And I think I get it.

While we all know that the cure to our ill Earth lies in our hands, Kevin Wall and Al Gore took it upon themselves to remind us of this very responsibility that we seem to shirk time and again. Reminder comes in the form of 24-hour concerts with clever "how you can do it" snippets carefully weaved in; and I am assuming that the small differences each of us make will total to multiply offset the energy consumed by the concerts.

But will we? Will humans, coddled by modern conveniences, actually make those differences?

Will we choose the crowded MRT over the convenience of our cars? Will we stop buying coffee filter bags and use hard-to-wash reusable ones instead? Will we choose to wash our bedsheets by hand instead of throwing it into the washing machine?

Perhaps we will. Kevin Wall and Al Gore are hopeful, and so am I.

Yet, as I watched Al Gore deliver his 7-point pledge, I found myself wondering if the shirt he wore was made of organic cotton.

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