Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Ramen respite.

Ramen respite.

picture from here

It's the first day of a craaaaazzzy week with a pile of project work waiting to be settled. Juggling exams and FYP really ain't easy - not so much with time management but with mental compartmentalization - but we can't say our seniors didn't warn us. I guess I didn't expect just how much energy a project can actually require, but it seems like we're on track for now so I'm thankful for that.

My last paper of the semester, and my second last paper of my school life (I hope!) is scheduled for Wednesday, but the eight-day break between my papers has made me all jittery and I keep having nightmares about completely missing the paper. Silly, I know.

Anyway, we took a short respite from the gloomy Monday with The Ramen Girl on dvd. I've come to expect little of movies fronted by Brittany Murphy, but this was actually quite enjoyable, possibly because it's about food. The Aussie grad trip is in the works, but I may just snap up those Tokyo tickets if they're ever on sale and pay Ran and those ramen shops a visit.


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