Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let's talk about food.

Let's talk about food.

I haven't felt this motivated for awhile now when it comes to school, but the recent journalism assignments have sent me into a writing tizzy. Despite the frustrations, I'm fueled by the inexplicable adrenaline rush that comes from writing and rewriting my way towards my idea of perfection. I'm currently waist-deep in my cuttings book of food feature ideas for Magazine Publishing, and I thought I should rest my aching back and marker-stained fingers for a spot of blogging, which I've neglected of late.

And what better catharsis for food-related workaholism than an entry on food? Here's my overdue entry on my birthday dinner at Iggy's. I used to eschew snooty dining establishments, but dating a gourmet's changed all of that. And surprise, surprise - I actually quite enjoy the occasional dose of quality dining. The service was personable but not intrusive, the seasonal menu was served in just-right sizeable portions, and it was a treat to dress up after roughing it out in Vietnam.

No bad comments at all really, so enjoy the visual feast!

The October menu.

Hamachi - radish, sesame and fine herbs

Autumn Salad - with mushroom varieties, dehydrated mesclun and an uplifting citrus foam

My personal favourite - Sanma with wild rice, olive and thyme

Spaghettini - simple but tasty zucchini and smoked mullet roe

Lobster - with oats, gizzards and fennel

Tomato palate cleanser I didn't fancy because of my genuine dislike of the fruit

Wagyu - served with lady's fingers, trumpet mushrooms and tapenade

Feijoa - Gin and lime

Coffee - with banana, milk ice cream, passion fruit and Mascarpone

My little birthday cake

Lemon petit fours

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