Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thanks, but no thanks.

Thanks, but no thanks.

picture from inmagine

I'm a little tickled by the recent influx of offers to set me up. Influx may be an exaggeration, but getting three separate offers from well-meaning friends in the same week is pretty perplexing. And if you're even wondering, no, I didn't take any up on their offer! It's too weird and I've always preferred my relationships to be, to quote a colleague, "organic". Call me a traditionalist, but I am a firm believer of serendipity; not human-aided circumstances.

That, and also because I feel like I'm kinda dancing an ambiguous tango of sorts. Extremely murky waters, but I felt an odd pinch of guilt when I had my hands in someone else's last night, even if it was for nothing other than warmth and affection.

My ex-girlfriends are gonna be so pissed.

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